Tibetan Art and Architecture in Context

With Erberto Lo Bue (eds.) Tibetan Art and Architecture in Context. Piats 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006. Vol. 20, Beiträge Zur Zentralasienforschung. Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 2010.

Table of Contents

by Erberto Lo Bue & Christian Luczanits ... vii

The Historical Architecture of the Trandruk Temple in the Yar lung Valley of Tibet,
by Reinhard Herdick ... 1

Considerations on the Development of the Representation of the Buddha’s Life in Early Tibetan Thangkas,
by Eva Allinger ... 27

Preliminary Remarks on the Donor Inscriptions and Iconography of an 11th-century Mchod rten at Tholing,
by Amy Heller ... 43

Courtly Cavaliers, Mounted Heroes and Pehar: New Issues in the Iconography and Iconology of Protector Deities in Early Western Himalayan Art,
by Christiane Papa-Kalantari ... 75

An Early Wall Painting of a Bhaiṣajyaguru Mandala in Western Tibet,
by Helmut F. Neumann & Heidi A. Neumann ... 121

Inscriptions and Captions in the Gu ru Lha khang at Nako, Kinnaur,
by Kurt Tropper ... 143

Visual Evidence for 'Bri gung Activity at Nako, Kinnaur,
by Melissa R. Kerin ... 175

The Commemorative Stupas at Densathil a Preliminary Study,
by Olaf Czaja ... 197

Mandalas of Mandalas: The Iconography of a Stupa of Many Auspicious Doors for Phag mo gru pa,
by Christian Luczanits ... 281

Three Tibeto-Chinese Mandala Paintings of Around 1442,
by Ursula Toyka-Fuong ... 311

Reconstructing Sakya: Written Sources, Photographic Archives and Fieldwork,
by Federica Venturi ... 335

The Śambhala Murals in the Klu khang and Their Historical Context. A Preliminary Report,
by Erberto Lo Bue ... 353

The Dbu yab pho brang in the Nor bu gling ga and Its Connection with the Murals of the Klu khang Behind the Potala,
by Jakob Winkler ... 375

An Unusual Highlight in Trade in Tibetan Art: A 20th-century Thangka of Shangs pad, Protector of the Dge ldan byams pa gling Monastery at Chamdo in the Province of Dagyab in Kham, Eastern Tibet,
by Ingrid Kreide-Damani ... 393


Inscriptions from the Tabo Main Temple

With Luciano Petech (eds.) Inscriptions from the Tabo Main Temple. Texts and Translations. Serie Orientale Roma, Vol. LXXXIII. IsIAO, Rome, 1999.

Acknowledgements ... XIV

Historical Introduction
by Luciano Petech ... 1

The Renovation Inscription of the Tabo Gtsug lag khaṅ. New Edition and Translation
by Ernst Steinkellner & Christian Luczanits ... 10

The «Admonitory Inscription» in the Tabo ’Du khaṅ
by Helmut Tauscher ... 31

Minor Inscriptions and Captions in the Tabo Gtsug lag khaṅ
by Christian Luczanits ... 104

Later Inscriptions in the Tabo Gtsug lag khaṅ
by Elena De Rossi Filibeck ... 206

Indices ... 226