With Louise Tythacott, eds. Tibetan Monastery Collections and Museums: Traditional Practices and Contemporary Issues. Vajra Academic, Vol. VI. Kathmandu: Vajra Books, 2024.
With Jaroslav Poncar, eds. Alchi, Ladakh’s Hidden Buddhist Sanctuary. Chicago: Serindia, 2023.
“Mandalas Intertwined: Why Minor Goddesses in the Tabo Main Temple Matter.” In Burlesque of the Philosophers. Indian and Buddhist Studies in Memory of Helmut Krasser, ed. Vincent Eltschinger, Jowita Kramer, Parimal Patil, and Chizuko Yoshimizu, 363-394. Bochum, Freiburg: projekt verlag, 2023.
“Review of The Gilded Buddha: the Traditional Art of the Newar Metal Casters in Nepal by Alex R. Furger. Librum, 2017. 328pp., 551 illus. Hb. CHF/EUR 85. ISBN-13: 9783906897066.” Buddhist Studies Review 39, no. 2 (2023): 266-268.
“The Collection of Namgyal Monastery, Mustang, Nepal, in Transition.” Gods’ Collections (2023):
“The Distinct Artistic Tradition of Kashmir and Its Impact in Tibet. Buddha on the Cosmic Mountain, Kashmir, India, ca. 720.” In Himalayan Art in 108 Objects, ed. Karl Debreczeny, and Elena Pakhoutova, no. 10, 64-67. New York: Scala, 2023. Online version:
“Intriguing Relations between India, China, and Tibet. Crowned Buddha, Nalanda Monastery, northeastern India, 10th century.” In Himalayan Art in 108 Objects, ed. Karl Debreczeny, and Elena Pakhoutova, no. 16, 88-91. New York: Scala, 2023. online version:
“The Iconographic Program of a Mid-eleventh Century Monument. Goddess Dharmameghabhumi in the Tabo Main Temple, Tabo Monastery, Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, India, ca. 1040.” In Himalayan Art in 108 Objects, ed. Karl Debreczeny, and Elena Pakhoutova, no. 21, 108-111. New York: Scala, 2023. Online version:
“Alchi at the Threshold of a New Era in Tibetan Buddhist Art. Monumental Manjushri with Mahasiddha-Adorned Robe, Alchi Sumtsek, Ladakh, India, ca. 1220.” In Himalayan Art in 108 Objects, ed. Karl Debreczeny, and Elena Pakhoutova, no. 35, 164-167. New York: Scala, 2023. Online version:
“Commemorative Monument for a Charismatic Teacher. The Chorten Cave of Luri, present-day Mustang District, Nepal, ca. 1300.” In Himalayan Art in 108 Objects, ed. Karl Debreczeny, and Elena Pakhoutova, no. 44, 200-203. New York: Scala, 2023. Online version:
With Jackson, David. “An Example of Court Patronage to Honor a Religious Master. Mandala of Manjuvajra of the Vajravali Set Commissioned in Memory of Lama Dampa, Central Tibet, 1375–1380.” In Himalayan Art in 108 Objects, ed. Karl Debreczeny, and Elena Pakhoutova, no. 50, 224-227. New York: Scala, 2023. Online version:
With Kramer, Jowita. “A Royal Teacher and an Artist. Portrait of Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrub, Mustang, Nepal, first half of the 16th century.” In Himalayan Art in 108 Objects, ed. Karl Debreczeny, and Elena Pakhoutova, no. 63, 276-279. New York: Scala, 2023. Online version:
“Papier-Mâché Sculpture and the Nyingma School at the Periphery. Portrait of Ngadak Puntsok Rigdzin Lo Gekhar, Mustang, Nepal, mid-17th century.” In Himalayan Art in 108 Objects, ed. Karl Debreczeny, and Elena Pakhoutova, no. 70, 304-307. New York: Scala, 2023. Online version:
“Review of: Kimiaki Tanaka. An Illustrated History of the Maṇḍala: From Its Genesis to the Kālacakratantra. Boston, MA: Wisdom, 2018.” Archives of Asian Art 72, no. 2 (2022): 284-290.
“A Case of Old Menri (sman ris rnying pa) in Mustang?” In Gateways to Tibetan Studies: A Collection of Essays in Honour of David P. Jackson on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, ed. Volker Caumanns, Jörg Heimbel, Kazuo Kano, and Alexander Schiller, 643-657. Hamburg: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg, 2021.
With Allinger, Eva. “A Vajradhātu Mandala in a Prajñāpāramitā Manuscript of Tabo Monastery.” In Early West Tibetan Buddhist Monuments: Architecture, Art, History and Texts, ed. Christian Jahoda, and Christiane Kalantari, 343-361. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2021.
With Markus Viehbeck. Two Illuminated Text Collections of Namgyal Monastery. A Study of Early Buddhist Art and Literature in Mustang. Vol. 1. Vajra Academic, Kathmandu, Nepal: Vajra Books, 2021.
“What is a mandala?” In Buddhism in Five Minutes, ed. Elizabeth J. Harris, 254-258. Sheffield, Bristol: Equinox Publishing (UK), 2021.
“Why do Buddhists make art?” In Buddhism in Five Minutes, ed. Elizabeth J. Harris, 248-253. Sheffield, Bristol: Equinox Publishing (UK), 2021.
“Establishing an Iconography – The Case of Early Tibetan Representations of the Medicine Buddhas.” Journal of Tibetology 22, (2020): 119-148.
“From Tabo to Alchi: Revisiting Early Western Himalayan Art.” Orientations 51, no. 5 (2020): 36-47.
With Verri, Giovanni, Victor Borges, Nick Barnard, and John Clarke. “Investigations of a Gandharan stucco head of the Buddha at the Victoria and Albert Museum (IM.3-1931).” Technè 48, (2020): 136-149.
“The Production of “Knowledge” on Alchi.” (2020), this website.

“Transformations in Indian Art.” In India Antica. Capolavori dal collezionismo svizzero, 16-61. Mendrisio: Museo d’arte Mendrisio, 2019.
“A Crucial Link in 15th-Century Tibetan Art.” In Perspectives on Tibetan Culture. A Small Garland of Forget-me-nots offered to Elena De Rossi Filibeck, edited by Clemente, Michela, Oscar Nalesini, and Francesca Venturi, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 51 (2019): 203-226.
“Unveiling a Unique Nyingma Pantheon: the Art of Gönpa Gang.” In A Blessing for the Land. The architecture, art and history of a Buddhist nunnery in Mustang, Nepal, edited by John Harrison, Christian Luczanits, Charles Ramble, and Nyima Drandul, 54-99 & 140-143. Kathmandu: Vajra Publications, 2018.
With Harrison, John, Christian Luczanits, Charles Ramble, and Nyima Drandul, eds. A Blessing for the Land. The architecture, art and history of a Buddhist nunnery in Mustang, Nepal. Kathmandu: Vajra Publications, 2018.
With Skedzuhn, Alexandra, Martina Oeter, and Christine Bläuer. “The secrets of 14th century wall painting in the Western Himalayas: Structural damage sheds light onto the painting technique in the Tsuglag-khang in Kanji in Ladakh.” In Earth Construction & Tradition, vol. 2, edited by Hubert Feiglsdorfer, 205-222. Vienna: IVA–ICRA Institute for Comparative Research in Architecture, 2018.
“Revival and Renaissance in Tibetan Art: Imagining Kashmir and Nepal in the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Centuries [in Print Erroneously Titled “School of Oriental and African Studies, London”].” European Bulletin of Himalayan Research 52, (2018): 93-131.

“Tibetan Art, Music and Dance.” In Celebrating Art and Music: The SOAS Collections, edited by Anna Contadini, 106-123. London: SOAS University of London, 2017.
“The Nako Monuments in Context.” In Nako: Research and Conservation in the Western Himalayas, edited by Gabriela Krist, 19-45. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau Verlag, 2016.
“Puja and Piety in Buddhism.” In Puja and Piety: Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist Art from the Indian Subcontinent, edited by Pratapaditya Pal, 116-137. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Museum of Art and University of California Press, 2016.
“Prajnaparamita, Alchi and Kashmir - On the Cultural Background of a Unique Bronze.” In An Exceptional and Magnificent Bronze Alloy Figure of Prajnaparamita, edited by Luo Wenhua, no page numbers (24 pages). Beijing: Poly Auction, 2016.
“Portable Heritage in the Himalayas. The Example of Namgyal Monastery, Mustang: Part 2, Books and Stupas.” Orientations 47, no. 5 (2016): 22-32.
“Portable Heritage in the Himalayas. The Example of Namgyal Monastery, Mustang: Part 1, Sculpture.” Orientations 47, no. 2 (2016): 120-130.
“Inspired by the Past: The Art of Chöying Dorjé and Western Himalayan Sculpture.” In The Tenth Karmapa & Tibet’s Turbulent Seventeenth Century, edited by Karl Debreczeny, and Gray Tuttle, 107-151. Chicago: Serindia, 2016.
“Beneficial to See: Early Drigung Painting.” In Painting Traditions of the Drigung Kagyu School, edited by David P. Jackson, 214-259. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2015.
“Mirror of the Buddha: An Early Tibetan Portrait.” In Elegante Zusammenkunft im Gelehrtengarten. Studien zur Ostasiatischen Kunst zu Ehren von Jeong-hee Lee-Kalisch / Elegant Gathering in a Scholar’s Garden: Studies in East Asian Art in Honor of Jeong-hee Lee-Kalisch, edited by Annegret Bergmann, Shao-Lan Hertel, Juliane Noth, Antje Papist-Matsuo, and Wibke Schrape, 56-62. Waimar: VDG, 2015.
With Dorji Namgyel. “What Is Bhutanese about Paintings from Bhutan?” Marg 66, no. 4 (2015): 82-99.
Review: Henss, Michael. The Cultural Monuments of Tibet: The Central Regions. 2 vols. Munich, London, New York: Prestel, 2014. In Orientations 46, no. 6 (2015): 120-122.
“From Kashmir to Western Tibet: The Many Faces of a Regional Style.” In Collecting Paradise. Buddhist Art of Kashmir and Its Legacies, edited by Rob Linrothe. New York & Evanston: Rubin Museum of Art and Mary & Leigh Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University, 2014: 108-149.
“The diffusion of Gandharan and Indian models in South Asia.” In Art et civilisation de l’orient hellénisé: Rencontres et échanges culturels d’Alexandre aux Sassanides, edited by Pierre Leriche. Paris: Editions A&J Picard, 2014: 245–250.
Review: Siudmak, John. The Hindu-Buddhist Sculpture of Ancient Kashmir and its Influences. Vol. 28, Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 2, South Asia. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2013. In Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 77, no. 3 (2014): 600-601.
“Beneficial to See: Early Drigung Painting.” In Painting Traditions of the Drigung Kagyu School, edited by David P. Jackson. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014: 214-59.
“The Cave of Great Adepts.” Orientations 45, no. 5 (2014): 50–61.
> complementary documentation: ◊ Könchokling
“Bringing a Masterwork Back to Life?” Orientations 45, no. 2 (2014): 184–86.
> translated into Chinese:「修復還是破壞: 洛曼塘彌陀寺無我佛母壁畫」《美成在久 Orientations》2015年7月,總第6期,第96-99頁
“The Many Faces of Buddha Vairocana.” In The All-Knowing Buddha: A Secret Guide, edited by Jan van Alphen. New York and Antwerp: Rubin Museum of Art and BAI, MAS Books, 2013: 12–23, 163–166.
Review Article: Erberto Lo Bue (ed.) 2010. Wonders of Lo: The artistic heritage of Mustang. Vol. 62 (2), Marg. Mumbai: Marg Foundation. The Tibet Journal XXXVIII, no. 3&4 (2013): 161–67.
“Conservation and research in Buddhist art from an art-historical perspective.” In Art of Merit: Studies in Buddhist Art and its Conservation. Proceedings of the Buddhist Art Forum 2012, edited by David Park, Kuenga Wangmo, & Sharon Cather. London: Archetype, 2013: 187–202.
“The Buddha Beyond. Figuration in Gandharan Cult Imagery.” In Nepalica-Tibetica. Festgabe für Christoph Cüppers, edited by Franz-Karl Ehrhard, & Petra Maurer. Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung, 28, 2. Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 2013: 1–21.

With Paul Harrison “New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele.” In 2011 nendo dai ikkai kokusai shinpojiumu puroshīdingusu: Jōdokyō ni kansuru tokubetsu kokusai shinpojiumu, BARC International Symposium Series 1: Special International Symposium on Pure Land Buddhism, Kyoto: Ryukoku University Research Center for Buddhist Cultures in Asia, 2012: 69-127 [plates 197-207].
- Also published in Japanese in the same volume: P.ハリソン & C.ルクザニッツ「モハマッド・ナリー浮彫に関する新解釈」[上枝いづ み・尾白悠紀・吉岡慈文訳、宮治昭・福山泰子監修](『2011 年度 第1 回 国際シンポジ ウムプロシーディングス― 浄土教関する特別国際シンポジウム』龍谷大学アジア仏 教文化研究センター、2012 年 3 月、131-194 頁[図版 197-207 頁]).
“Siddhas, Hierarchs and Lineages: Three Examples for Dating Tibetan Art.” In Mirror of the Buddha, Early Portraits from Tibet, edited by David Paul Jackson. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2011: 170–97.
“On the Iconography of Tibetan Scroll Paintings (thang ka) Dedicated to the Five Tathāgatas.” In Art in Tibet. Issues in Traditional Tibetan Art from the Seventh to the Twentieth Century. PIATS 2003: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003, edited by Erberto F. Lo Bue. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2011: 37–51 + pls. 6–12.
“Approaches to Historic Indian and Indo-Tibetan Sculpture.” In Indian Art History. Changing Perspectives, edited by Parul Pandya Dhar. New Delhi: National Museum Institute & D.K. Printworld, 2011: 153–67 + figs 11.1–11.4.
“Gandhara and Its Art.” 12–24; “The Bodhisattva and the Future Buddha Maitreya.” 59–64; “Art and Architecture.” 73–83. In The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Art of Gandhara, edited by Proser Adriana. New York: Asia Society Museum, 2011.
“Locating Great Perfection: the Murals of the Lhasa Lukhang.”Orientations 42, no. 2 (2011): 102–11.
Buddhist Sculpture in Clay: Early Western Himalayan Art, late 10th to early 13th centuries. Serindia, Chicago 2004.
“Prior to Birth. The Tuṣita episodes in Indian Buddhist literature and art.” In The Birth of the Buddha. Proceedings of a Seminar Held in Lumbini, Nepal, October 2004, edited by Christoph Cüppers, Max Deeg, & Hubert Durt. LIRI Seminar Proceedings Series, 3. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2010: 41–91, 387–392.
With Erberto Lo Bue (eds.) Tibetan Art and Architecture in Context. PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006. Vol. 20, Beiträge Zur Zentralasienforschung. Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 2010. (and "Foreword": vii–xiii).
“Mandalas of Mandalas: The Iconography of a Stupa of Many Auspicious Doors for Phag mo gru pa.” In Tibetan Art and Architecture in Context. edited by Erberto Lo Bue, & Christian Luczanits. Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 2010: 281–310.
“Appendix Inscriptions” to Ingrid Kreide-Damani, An Unusual Highlight in Trade in Tibetan Art. In Tibetan Art and Architecture in Context. edited by Erberto Lo Bue, & Christian Luczanits. Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 2010: 400–05.
“In Search of the Perfection of Wisdom. A short note on the third narrative depicted in the Tabo Main Temple.” In From Turfan to Ajanta: Festschrift for Dieter Schlingloff on the Occasion of his Eighteeth Birthday, edited by Eli Franco, & Monika Zin. II. Lumbini, Nepal: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2010: 567–78.
With Holger Neuwirth. “The Development of the Alchi Temple Complex. An Interdisciplinary Approach.” In Heritage Conservation and Research in India. 60 years of Indo-Austrian collaboration, edited by Gabriela Krist, & Tatjana Bayerová. Konservierungswissenschaft, Restaurierung, Technologie, 6. Wien, Weimar: Böhlau, 2010: 79–84.
“Styles in Western Himalayan Art.” In Han Zang Fo jiao mei shu yan jiu : 2007 [sic] di san jie Xizang kao gu yu yi shu guo ji xue shu tao lun hui lun wen ji, edited by Jisheng Xie, Wenhua Luo, & Anning Jing. 2009: 133–50.
Catalogue descriptions of nos. 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 20, 31. In Mandala, Sacred Circle in Tibetan Buddhism, edited by Martin Brauen. Stuttgart, New York: Arnoldsche, Rubin Museum of Art, 2009: 262.
“On the Earliest Mandalas in a Buddhist Context.” In Mahayana Buddhism. History and Culture, edited by Darrol Bryant, & Susan Bryant. Sambhota Series XV, New Delhi: Tibet House, 2008: 111–36.
“Ritual, Instruction and Experiment: Esoteric Drawings from Dunhuang.” In The Art of Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent in Cross Culture Perspective, edited by Anupa Pande, & Mandira Sharma. New Delhi: National Museum Institute-Aryan Books International, 2009: 140–49 & 11 figs.
“Indian and Himalayan Collections at the Walters.” Arts of Asia 39, no. 1 (2009): 72–81.
“Buddhismus im multikulturellen Umfeld: Die Kunst Gandharas.” Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für indo-asiatische Kunst 12, (2008): 518.
Catalogue redaction with Christian Gänsicke & Birgit Tellmann, Kurzführer Gandhara Das buddhistische Erbe Pakistans. Legenden, Klöster und Paradiese. Bonn: Kunst und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2008.
“Gandhara and Its Art.” 1626; “Early Buddhism and Gandhara.” 7277; “The Bodhisattva and the Future Buddha Maitreya.” 24953; “Art and Architecture.” 31417 and “Stucco and Clay.” 31820. In Gandhara The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise, Mainz Bonn: Zabern Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, 2008.
“Buddhism in a Cosmopolitan Environment: The Art of Gandhara,”Orientations 39, no. 7 (2008): 4652.
“In the Blazing Light of Tibet,”Orientations 39, no. 6 (2008): 8084.
“The depiction of Hindu and Pan-Indian Deities in the Lo tsa ba lHa khang at Nako.” In South Asian Archaeology 1999. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held at the Universiteit Leiden, 59 July 1999, edited by Ellen M. Raven. Gonda Indolocical Studies XV, Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 2008: 493506.
“Alchi Sumtsek Reconsidered.” In Recent Research on Ladakh 2007, edited by John Bray & Nawang Tsering Shakspo. Leh, Ladakh: J&K Academy for Art, Culture & Languages International Association for Ladakh Studies, 2007: 6172.
“Prior to Birth II. The Tushita Episodes in Early Tibetan Buddhist Literature and Art.” In Pramāṇakīrtiḥ. Papers dedicated to Ernst Steinkellner on the occasion of his 70th birthday, edited by Birgit Kellner, H. Krasser, Horst Lasic, M.T. Much & H. Tauscher. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde 70, Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2007: 497543.
“The Bodhisattva with the Flask in Gandhāran Narrative Scenes.” East and West, dedicated to Maurizio Taddei 55, no. 14 (2005): 16388.
“A First Glance at Early Drigungpa Painting.” In Studies in Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Art. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Tibetan Archaeology & Art, Beijing, September 36, 2004, edited by Xie Jisheng, Shen Weirong & Liao Yang. The Monograph Series in Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Beijing: China Tibetology Publishing House, 2006: 45988.
“Mandala. Form, Funktion und Bedeutung.” In Tibet – Klöster öffnen ihre Schatzkammern, Essen: Kulturstiftung Ruhr Essen, Villa Hügel, 2006: 71–79.
Mandala (German)
“Alchi and the Drigungpa School of Tibetan Buddhism: The Teacher Depiction in the Small Chörten at Alchi.” In Mei shou wan nian Long Life Without End. Festschrift in Honor of Roger Goepper, edited by Jeong-hee Lee-Kalisch, Antje Papist-Matsuo & Willibald Veit. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2006: 18196.
“The Eight Great Siddhas in Early Tibetan Painting from c. 1200 to c. 1350.” In Holy Madness. Portraits of Tantric Siddhas, edited by Robert N. Linrothe. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2006: 7691.
“Infinite Variety. Form and Appearance in Tibetan Buddhist Art. Part II.” Lotus Leaves 8, no. 1 (2005): 714.
“Infinite Variety. Form and Appearance in Tibetan Buddhist Art. Part I.” Lotus Leaves 7, no. 2 (2005): 19.
“The Early Buddhist Heritage of Ladakh Reconsidered.” In Ladakhi Histories. Local and Regional Perspectives, edited by John Bray. Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library, 9. Leiden: Brill, 2005: 6596.
“Unendliche Vielfalt. Gestalt und Erscheinungsform im Buddhismus.” In Die Welt des Tibetischen Buddhismus, edited by Wulf Köpke, & Schmelz Bernd. Mitteilungen des Museums für Völkerkunde, Hamburg: Museum für Völkerkunde, 2005: 4377.
Unendliche Vielfalt (German)
Buddhist Sculpture in Clay: Early Western Himalayan Art, late 10th to early 13th centuries. Serindia, Chicago 2004.
With Rob Linrothe & Jeff Watt. “Turning a Blind Eye.” Orientations 35, no. 5 (2004): 7374.
“Art-historical aspects of dating Tibetan art.” In Dating Tibetan Art. Essays on the Possibilities and Impossibilities of Chronology from the Lempertz Symposium, Cologne, edited by Ingrid Kreide-Damani. Contributions to Tibetan Studies, 3. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2003: 2557.
“Seminar Report. Tenth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies St. Hugh’s College, Oxford 612th September 2003.” Orientations 34, no.10 (2003): 5455.
“The 12th Century Buddhist Monuments of Nako.” Orientations 34, no. 5 (2003): 4653.
“Early Tibetan Clay Sculpture.” Aziatische Kunst 33, no. 2 (2003): 215.
“The Wanla Bkra shis gsum brtsegs.” In Buddhist Art and Tibetan Patronage Ninth to Fourteenth Centuries, edited by Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter, & Eva Allinger. PIATS 2000: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000, 2. Leiden: Brill, 2002: 11525.
“Methodological Comments Regarding Recent Research on Tibetan Art.” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 45, no. 2001 (2001): 12545.
Summary of Dissertation: Christian Luczanits, Early Buddhist Clay Sculpture in the Western Himalaya (Late 10th to Early 13th Centuries). Institute of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, Vienna University, 1998. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens XLIV (2000): 229-32.
Before 2000
“Ein Blick nach Osten, zur rezenten Erforschung früher tibetischer Kunst.” In 10. Österreichischer Kunsthistorikertag. Das Fach Kunstgeschichte und keine Grenzen? 30. September 3. Oktober 1999, Universität Innsbruck. Kunsthistoriker, Mitteilungen des österreichischen Kunsthistorikerverbandes, Wien: Österreichischer Kunsthistorikerverband, 1999: 5964.
“The Life of the Buddha in the Sumtsek.” Orientations 30, no. 1 (1999): 3039.
Complementary picture gallery:
◊ Maitreya's Dhoti
“Minor Inscriptions and Captions in the Tabo gTsug lag khaṅ.” In Inscriptions from the Tabo Main Temple. Texts and Translations, edited by Luciano Petech, & Christian Luczanits. Serie Orientale Roma, LXXXIII. Rome: IsIAO, 1999: 95187.
With Ernst Steinkellner. “The Renovation Inscription of the Tabo gTsug lag khang. New Edition and Translation.” In Inscriptions from the Tabo Main Temple. Texts and Translations, edited by Luciano Petech, & Christian Luczanits. Serie Orientale Roma, LXXXIII. Rome: IsIAO, 1999: 928.
“On an Unusual Painting Style in Ladakh.” In The Inner Asian International Style 12th-14th Centuries. Papers presented at a panel of the 7th seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, edited by Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter, & Eva Allinger. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1998: 15169.
Complementary picture galleries:
◊ Alchi Shangrong Chörten
◊ Lamayuru Buddha Chörten
“The Clay Sculptures.” In Tabo A Lamp for the Kingdom. Early Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalaya, edited by Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter. Milan New York: Skira Thames and Hudson, 1997: 189205.
With Ernst Steinkellner. “A New Translation of the Renovation Inscription in the Tabo Main Temple (gtsug-lag-khang).” In Tabo A Lamp for the Kingdom. Early Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalaya, edited by Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter. Milan New York: Skira Thames and Hudson, 1997: 25759.
“On the Construction of Clay Sculptures in Tabo (Ta pho) Spiti (c. 1042 A.D.).” In South Asian Archaeology, 1995. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists Cambridge, 59 July 1995, edited by Raymond Allchin, & Bridget Allchin. 2. New Delhi Calcutta: Science Publishers and Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, 1997: 691701.
Catalogue Entry, Kat.-Nr. 155, p. 41920. In Weihrauch und Seide, edited by Wilfried Seipel. Wien & Milano: Skira Editore, 1996.
“Early Buddhist Wood Carvings from Himachal Pradesh.” Orientations 27, no. 6 (1996): 6775.
Complementary picture galleries:
◊ Poo Vajradharma
◊ Shalkhar Wooden Capital
“A Note on Tholing Monastery.” Orientations 27, no. 6 (1996): 7677.
Catalogue Entries, p. 236240, 247, 253254, 264265, 268274, 280, 282283, 287 and glossary p. 302302. In Buddha in Indien: Die Frühindische Skulptur von König Asoka bis zur Guptazeit, edited by Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter. Milano: Skira, 1995.
“Another Rin chen bzang po Temple?” East and West 44, no. 1 (1994): 8398.
Another Rin chen bzang po Temple
“The Sources for Bu ston’s Introduction to the Acts of a Buddha.” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 37 (1993): 93108 (118).
Book Reviews
Bühnemann, Gudrun. The Iconography of Hindu Tantric Deities. Vol. I: The Pantheon of the Mantramahodadhi – Vol. II: The Pantheons of the Prapañcasāra and the Śāradātilaka. Gonda Indolocical Studies IX. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 2000. In Orientalische Literaturzeitung 106 (2011): 338-41.
Amy Heller & Giacomella Orofino. Discoveries in Western Tibet and the Western Himalayas: Essays on History, Literature, Archaeology and Art. Piats 2003: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford, 2003. Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library, vol. 10/8. In Journal of the American Oriental Society 129 (3), no. 3 (2009): 503-5.
Hartmut Walravens (ed.) Albert Grünwedel. Briefwechsel und Dokumente. [Asien- und Afrika-Studien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Vol. 9]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2001. In Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens XLVII (2003): 219.
Schlingloff, Dieter (2000) Ajanta Handbuch der Malereien / Handbook of Painting 1: Erzählende Wandmalereien / Narrative Wall-paintings. 3 Vols. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag. In Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens XLVI (2002): 28587.
Irmtraud Stellrecht (ed.) The past in the Present. Horizons of Remembering in the Pakistan Himalaya. Culture Area Karakorum 2. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Köln 1997. In Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 152, no. 1 (2002): 23033.
Early Buddhist clay sculpture in the Western Himalaya (late 10th to early 13th centuries). Dissertation, Institute of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, Vienna University, Vienna 1998.
Studie zu einer Episode aus dem Leben des Buddha. Der Tushita Himmel und die Kronenübergabe. Diplomarbeit, Institute of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, Vienna 1993.
This section lists all my publications in chronological order, the most recent ones above. Links are only provided to the final published versions. Draft or proof versions may be available via SOAS Research Online.
The following works are currently in press, some for many years.
- “Artists of Lo Gekhar - The Remaking of a Monastery in Mustang, Nepal.” In Tibetan and Himalayan Statuary across Time and Space, Proceedings of the 16th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Prague, 3-9 July 2022, ed. Yannick Laurent, and David Pritzker, forthcoming.
- “The Pearl Garland Composition. The Main Inscription of the Palden Drepung Chörten at Alchi.” In Ladakh Across the Ages, ed. Christian Luczanits, forthcoming.
- “The Ultimate Conquerer in the Tabo Main Temple.” In Festschrift.
Need a Publication?
If you urgently need a more recent publication and do not have access to it please let me know.