Latest Travels
Siem Reap, Cambodia June 2014
One week visit to the Angkor area and Banteay Chhmar via Bangkok on private invitation.

Mustang, Nepal — May 2014
Travel to Mustang on the behalf of the Rubin Museum of Art to continue the in situ documentation.
Ladakh, India — 16th to 30th June 2013
Private research trip on behalf of different projects including a visit to Hemis Monastery to advise on their display and didactics in their museum, and to Chemre Monastery to document the objects displayed in their museum.
Mustang, Nepal — 5th May to 15th June 2013
Travel to Mustang on the behalf of the Rubin Museum of Art to start documentation for an exhibition project.
Mustang, Nepal — 5th to 30th May 2012
Travel and trek to Mustang on the behalf of the Rubin Museum of Art to explore an exhibition project.
Kyoto, Japan — 28th July to 10th August 2011
A short but extremely rewarding visit to many monuments and museums in Kyoto, Koyasan and Nara.
Ladakh, India — 1st to 8th September 2010
Short visit to Ladakh to verify research on Wanla and complement the documentation for a book publication.
Mustang, Nepal — 11th to 31st August 2010
Travel and trek to Mustang at private invitation; visit to many of the most important monuments of the region.

Ladakh, India 11th July to 24th August 2009
Research trip to Ladakh to complement our common work; organised and financed by the project led by Holger Neuwirth, University of Technology, Graz.
London, Great Britain 2nd to 28th February 2009
Research at the British Library, London, supported by the Lumbini International Research Institute.
India 21st February to 2nd March 2008
Participation in an on site seminar on “Sacred Topgraphies in a Comparative Perspective” organized by the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut, Florence in cooperation with Prof. Kavita Singh, JNU Delhi, School of Arts and Aesthetics.
Pakistan 10th to 20th September 2007
Visit to diverse museums in Pakistan and sites at Taxila for the Gandharan exhibit in Germany.
North and Central India August and September 2007
Visit and documentation of a number of sites in the region of Gwalior and Aurangabad in between project negotiations in Delhi.
Tibet, China 4th June to 6th July 2007
Visit of numerous relevant monuments during the Tibet Site Seminar.
Pakistan 24th February to 12th March 2007
Object selection from diverse museums in Pakistan for the Gandharan exhibit in Germany.
Tamil Nadu, India 26th December 2006 to 8th January 2007
Visit and photographic documentation of a number of monuments in Tamil Nadu.
Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh, India 13th 30th June 2006
Visits to sites in Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh with Alexander von Rospatt; complementary documentation at Wanla.
Nepal Autumn 2005 and Spring 2006
Visits to diverse sites in the areas of Lumbini and the Kathmandu valley.
Ladakh, India 7th20th November 2005
Documentation of the monuments of Sumda Chung and Saspoltse together with Holger Neuwirth and Carmen Auer, architects from the University of Technology, Graz.
Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh, India 5th June 19th August 2005
Distribution of the clay sculpture book in the monuments of Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh that are discussed in it; work with architects and painting conservators of the Achi Association at Kanji and Wanla; participation in the 12th IALS colloquium.
Expanding Goals
Ladakh, India 15th June to 16th August 2003
Research at different monasteries of Ladakh, partly in cooperation with Holger Neuwirth and Carmen Auer, architects from the University of Technology, Graz, partly with architects and painting conservators working for the Achi Association.
Angkor Wat, Cambodia December 2002
One week visit to Angkor Wat and other major monuments in its environment.
Paris, France July 2002
Research at the Musée Guimet, Paris, and visits of numerous other museums and monuments in and around Paris.
USA March 2002
Visits to various collections and museums on the east coast of the United States, including the Freer and Sackler Galleries in Washington, the Rubin Collection, the Metropolitan Museum and Asia Week in New York.
USA October and November 2001
Visits to various collections and museums on the east coast of the United States, including the Freer and Sackler Galleries in Washington, the Rubin Collection in New York, The Ford Collection in Baltimore, the Koelz Collection in Ann Arbour, Michigan, as well as the collections of the Philadelphia and Cleveland Museums of Art.
Rome, Italy 21st to 28th May 2001
Research on Tibetan paintings (Thangkas) from the Tucci collection in the Museo Nationale d’Arte Orientale in Rome.
Rome, Italy 2nd to 8th September 2000
Research on Tibetan paintings (Thangkas) of the Tucci collection in the Museo Nationale d’Arte Orientale in Rome.
Ladakh, India 2nd April 2000
Field research in Ladakh with the architects Holger Neuwirth, Wolfgang Heusgen, and Gerald Kozicz from the Technical University of Graz, Austria and a surveying team from the Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna, led by Erwin Heine for the FWF Research Project ‘Early Indo-Tibetan Monastic Art in the Western Himalayas, 10th 13th century’.
North and central India December 1999 to January 2000
Visit to various sites in north and central India among them the excavation of a second century Buddhist stupa in Kanaganahalli (Sannati), Karnataka.
Central and North India December 1998
Visit to early Buddhist monuments in Central and North India.
Mainly Western Himalayas
Ladakh, India August and September 1998
Field research in Ladakh in co-operation with the architects Holger Neuwirth and Wolfgang Heusgen (Technical University Graz, Austria) for the FWF Research Project ‘Early Indo-Tibetan Monastic Art in the Western Himalayas, 10th13th century’. A considerable part of this research was privately sponsored (Achi Association).
Himachal Pradesh, India April 1998
Field research in Himachal Pradesh (Nako Monastery) for the FWF Research Project ‘Early Indo-Tibetan Monastic Art in the Western Himalayas, 10th13th century’.
North India October 1996
Organization of a ‘Panel on Conservation of Artistic and Architectural Heritage and its Modern Management’ on the occasion of the 1000 Year celebrations of Austria at New Delhi, 8th October 1996. Research at the archives of the Archeological Survey of India in Chandigarh und Dehra Dun.
Himachal Pradesh, India May to July 1996
Field research in Himachal Pradesh for the FWF Research Project ‘Early Indo-Tibetan Monastic Art in the Western Himalayas, 10th 13th century’.
Himachal Pradesh, India July to October 1994
Field research in Himachal Pradesh for the FWF Research Project ‘Early Indo-Tibetan Monastic Art in the Western Himalayas, 10th 13th century’.
Ladakh, India March to May 1994
PhD field research in Ladakh supported by a ‘Stipendium für eine kurzfristige wissenschaftliche Arbeit im Ausland’ University Vienna.
Himachal Pradesh, India July to October 1993
Field research in Himachal Pradesh, Central-, and West Tibet for Tucci-Archive Publications (FWF Project).
Himachal Pradesh, India July to October 1991
Field research in Himachal Pradesh for Tucci Archive Publications (FWF Project).
Ladakh and Spiti, India July to September 1990
Travel in Ladakh and Spiti (Tabo Monastery).
China, Tibet, Pakistan, India and Nepal March to September 1988
First travel to Asia, in particular Tibet; visit to diverse monuments in Beijing and Sichuan; four months travel across Tibet from the east (Derge, Xining, Yushu) via Central Tibet (Lhasa, Samye) to West Tibet (Kailash, Khojarnath); via Kashgar and the Karakorum Highway to Pakistan (visit to rock engravings in the Indus valley), India (New Delhi) and Nepal (Kathmandu).
This page lists the most recent travels first.
From early on my research was based on field research and in situ documentation. Later travels were also undertaken to support teaching.
Here only those travels are listed that either were related to immediate research interests or have contributed in a major way to my teaching and/or general understanding.