Eight celestial bodies in the bottom row of deities on the south wall of the Entry Hall dating to ca. 996 CE. Only the last three deities on the right side, Candra, Rāhu and Surya, can be identified with certainty.

- TaboGK CL91 14,25
- TaboGK CL93 15,25
- TaboGoKhang005 sGo-khang So III 4 CL93 15 25
- TaboGoKhang004 sGo-khang So III 4 CL91 14 35
- TaboGK CL91 14,35
- TaboGK CL91 16,5
- TaboGK CL93 15,23
- TaboGoKhang007 sGo-khang So III 5 CL91 14 33
- TaboGK CL91 16,14
- Moon
- TaboGK CL94 76,37
- TaboGoKhang011 sGo-khang So III 6 CL94 76 37
- TaboGK CL91 14,23
- Eclipse
- TaboGoKhang018 sGo-khang So III 7 CL94 76 36