Picture Galleries complementing the website of Christian Luczanits. Photos by Jaroslav Poncar can be used under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, all others under CC BY-NC 4.0.

Home / Tabo / Main Temple / Entry Hall / West Wall /

TaboGokhang122 Tabo sGo-khang W II 1 CL94 76 2

TaboGokhang122_Tabo_ sGo-khang_ W_ II_ 1_CL94 76_2.jpg Earth GodThumbnailsTaboGK CL94 76,02-1Earth GodThumbnailsTaboGK CL94 76,02-1Earth GodThumbnailsTaboGK CL94 76,02-1

Guardians of the directions; Tabo Main Temple, Entry Hall, west wall; c. 996 CE. © Christian Luczanits 1994, WHAV

TaboGokhang122_Tabo_ sGo-khang_ W_ II_ 1_CL94 76_2.jpg