Picture Galleries complementing the website of Christian Luczanits. Photos by Jaroslav Poncar can be used under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, all others under CC BY-NC 4.0.

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AmbulatoryWestwall143 between B7 and B8 CL94 67 14

AmbulatoryWestwall143_between B7 and B8_CL94 67_14.jpg AmbulatoryWestwall141 between B7 and B8 CL94 67 12ThumbnailsAmbulatoryWestwall122 CL93 20 5aAmbulatoryWestwall141 between B7 and B8 CL94 67 12ThumbnailsAmbulatoryWestwall122 CL93 20 5aAmbulatoryWestwall141 between B7 and B8 CL94 67 12ThumbnailsAmbulatoryWestwall122 CL93 20 5a

© Christian Luczanits 1994, WHAV

AmbulatoryWestwall143_between B7 and B8_CL94 67_14.jpg