Picture Galleries complementing the website of Christian Luczanits. Photos by Jaroslav Poncar can be used under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, all others under CC BY-NC 4.0.

Home / Tabo / Main Temple / Ambulatory / Eight Buddhas /

Turning the Rosary

TaboA JP84 184.jpg AmbulatoryWestwall022 B4 CL94 66 30ThumbnailsBuddha MaitreyaAmbulatoryWestwall022 B4 CL94 66 30ThumbnailsBuddha MaitreyaAmbulatoryWestwall022 B4 CL94 66 30ThumbnailsBuddha Maitreya

Buddha Maitreya following the seven Buddhas of the past, Tabo Main Temple, west wall of the ambulatory, renovation period (finished 1042). © Jaroslav Poncar 1984

Jaroslav Poncar
TaboA JP84 184.jpg