On the entry wall the door is protected by a six-headed Yamāntaka and flanked by the four Caturmudrā mandalas of the Vajradhātu cycle.

- Protective themes in entrance area
- Middle Floor Walls
- Amitabha Mandala
- Amoghasiddhi Mandala
- Protective themes in entrance area
- AlchiSTS JP91 27,1,05
- AlchiSTS JP91 27,1,04
- AlchiSTS JP89 27,1,01
- AlchiSTS JP91 27,1,06
- AlchiSTS JP91 27,1,10
- Protective themes in entrance area
- AlchiSTS JP91 27,1,11
- Protective themes in entrance area
- AlchiSTS JP91 27,1,13
- AlchiSTS JP91 27,1,14