As far as preserved, the back and side walls are occupied by Buddhas. The centres of the side walls are probably occupied by the Buddhas of the ten directions, while the configuration in the back of the temple is too fragmentary to be identified with certainty today. The documentation leads from the first Buddha on the left side wall to those on the back wall.
- ThubchenLK PL94-330
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0143
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0142
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0144
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0145
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0146
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0147
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0149
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0148
- ThubchenLK PL94-341
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0155
- ThubchenLK PLieberman93-570
- ThubchenLK PLieberman93-471
- ThubchenLK PL94-342
- JPoncar THUBCHEN-0156