The almost vanished chörten of Alchi Shangrong was one of the subjects of an article presenting an unusual, rather Central-Tibetan, painting style of the 13th century in Ladakh. While for the article I only had black and white documentation taken in 1994 this documentation is from 1998 and in colour.
- "On an unusual painting style in Ladakh, in The Inner Asian International Style 12th14th Centuries, eds. D.E. Klimburg-Salter & Eva Allinger, Papers Presented at Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 1998: 15169.

The almost collapsed 13th century chörten of Alchi Shangrong.
Alchi CL98 119,01.jpg

Lantern ceiling of the Alchi Shangrong chörten.
Alchi CL98 119,02.jpg

Lantern ceiling of the Alchi Shangrong chörten.
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Detail of the once completely painted lantern ceiling of the Alchi Shangrong chörten.
Alchi CL98 119,03.jpg

East wall of the Shangrong chörten with Vairocana in the centre flanked by two Bodhisattvas, Shakyamuni and a priest.
Alchi CL98 119,05.jpg

Vairocana flanked by two Bodhisattvas on the east wall.
Alchi CL98 119,06.jpg

Bodhisattva to the proper right of Vairocana on the east wall.
Alchi CL98 119,07.jpg

Bodhisattva to the proper left of Vairocana on the east wall.
Alchi CL98 119,08.jpg
© C. Luczanits & the Western Himalayan Archives Vienna (WHAV).
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