Picture Galleries complementing the website of Christian Luczanits. Photos by Jaroslav Poncar can be used under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, all others under CC BY-NC 4.0.

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Ropa CL91 82 21

Ropa_CL91 82_21.jpg Shalkhar CL94 124 21ThumbnailsRopa CL94 142 17Shalkhar CL94 124 21ThumbnailsRopa CL94 142 17Shalkhar CL94 124 21ThumbnailsRopa CL94 142 17

Most likely Mañjuśrī on peacock, its colour certainly not following the original one. © Christian Luczanits 1991, WHAV

Ropa_CL91 82_21.jpg