Picture Galleries complementing the website of Christian Luczanits. Photos by Jaroslav Poncar can be used under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, all others under CC BY-NC 4.0.

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Basgo CL03 DSCN9106

Basgo CL03 DSCN9106.jpg Basgo CL05 DSCN3671ThumbnailsBasgo CL03 DSCN9107Basgo CL05 DSCN3671ThumbnailsBasgo CL03 DSCN9107Basgo CL05 DSCN3671ThumbnailsBasgo CL03 DSCN9107

Halos and peg holes of the sculptures on the right wall. © Christian Luczanits

Christian Luczanits
Basgo CL03 DSCN9106.jpg