Picture Galleries complementing the website of Christian Luczanits. Photos by Jaroslav Poncar can be used under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, all others under CC BY-NC 4.0.

Home / Könchokling / Mahasiddhas / South Side Middle Row /

KonchokLing CL12-3683

KonchokLing_CL12-3683.jpg KonchokLing CL12-3684ThumbnailsKonchokLing CL12-3580KonchokLing CL12-3684ThumbnailsKonchokLing CL12-3580KonchokLing CL12-3684ThumbnailsKonchokLing CL12-3580

Most likely the teaching monk Bhagalana (here the verse is almost entirely abraded) = V67
... ? zhes bya ba'i || bla ma de la phyag 'tshal lo || © Christian Luczanits 2012
